Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Report for Evaluation of Students Attitudes Fast Food Industry
Question: Describe about An Report for Evaluation of Students Attitudes towards the Fast Food Industry and its impact upon Health? Answer: Introduction The introduction of this chapter belonged to the data gathered and analysing the same in order to get the suitable findings from the market. The attitude of the student was believed as the qualitative information of the recent students towards the fast food industry. The chapter would provide the analysis of the attitude of the students towards the fast food as well as the reaction of the fast food on their health due to consuming fast food. The chapter would make the analysis regarding the sentiment of the students towards the fast food recently using the suitable research model. The analysis would be based on the descriptive statistics as well as the inferential analysis. Additionally, the chapter would provide a clear direction towards the attitude of the students and their health condition due to consuming the fast foods. Model of research The model of the research would be based on the description fo the data gathered through the survey that was conducted for this study. In the meantime, the main subjective matter was finding the attitude of the students towards the fast foods and linking with the various objectives of the study. There will be descriptive model for conducting the analysis of the study while the research would make the inferential analysis for testing the health issues by predicting the nature of the students attitude towards health issues related to the fast foods and calories. The inferential model was as followed: Y (health) = beta + f(caloric health) + f(recommended calories) + f(count of calorie) + f(influence of nutrition) + f(weight) The above model was predictive model analysed using the present data of the students and their desire whereas the calorific value of the foods could imply as the issue of unhealthy or weight of the human body. Descriptive analysis Descriptive Statistics N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation How frequently do you consume fast food per week 114 0 6 1.48 1.264 On what days are you most likely to consume fast food 215 1 7 5.11 1.689 At what time of the day are you most likely to consume fast food 157 1 5 3.51 1.035 Do you ever consume fast food when you are drunk 111 1 4 2.58 .815 Do you ever consume Fast Food because you are drunk 112 1 2 1.21 .412 Which one of the statements below do you agree with most 110 1 5 2.99 1.317 Do you anticipate eating a different amount of fast food in five years of time 111 1 3 2.66 .495 Valid N (listwise) 110 Table 1: Descriptive analysis of consumption of fast food information of the students Frequency of fast food consumption: Figure 1: Histogram of fast food consumption timing From the above diagram and the table, we could see that students had low frequency of consuming fast foods. The mean of the respondents responses showed that only 1.48 days per week, the average numbers of visiting fast food centres or they consume the same. It was also found that deviation between the responses of the students in this regard was 1.264. The description of the table showed that the maximum numbers of consuming the fast foods by the student was 6 whereas the minimum consumption was only 0. However, the mean value showed that majority of the students did not consume fast food many times in a week and the consumption rate was low too. Days of fast food consumption Figure 2: Days of fast food consumption The students normally consume the foods on Saturday as observed through the above histogram. However, the mean value of the visiting day of the fast food centres or the consumption days of the students indicated that the students used to take fast food on Friday. The deviation between the values was low enough to consider the consistent responses from the survey. The responses from the survey showed that majority of the students had considered to consume fast foods on Saturday however, the data gathered from the overall analysis showed that Friday would be the required day as per the empirical evidence of consuming the fast foods. Timing of consuming the fast food Figure 3: Time of consumption The majority of the students liked to consume the fast food at the time of evening of the day. They also prefer the evening and the diner time for consuming the fast food 6-9 pm. However, they also like to eat fast food at the unusual time such as midnight or the early morning of the day after getting awake from their sleep. The deviation of the consumption timing of the fast foods by the students could be found from the table as 1.035. Therefore, it could be said that the change in timing of consuming the fast foods was after the evening mainly while the students avoided the daytime for consuming the fast foods. The description of the typical attitude of the students was to take fast food during drunk situation as seen from the survey. The average students had indicated that occasionally they consume the fast food when they were drunk. Only the seven participants said that they avoid the fast foods after drinking the alcohol. Further, it was also found that the participants had consumed fast food due to having alcohol in their blood. They used to like the fast foods after or at the time of alcohol consumption. The majority of the students had claimed that they were aware of the right amount of fast foods. They also claimed that they did not consume overcapacity fast foods on daily basis. However, the majority of the students had reduced the amount of fast food consumption on daily basis as claimed by them in the survey. The average spending of the students for the fast food per week had been estimated as 45 while the deviation between the spending of the students was too high. There were som e students who used to spend 1500 per week whereas some of them spent as low as 7 per week. The daily household expenditure on rent was the highest for the students as depicted from the survey. However, it was also found that daily foods, alcohol and travelling had significant expenditure for them for every month. They did not spent much money for consuming fast food as the score was the fifth highest among other attributes. However, the taste of the food had the highest priority for the students as they had preferred in the survey. The speed of serving the foods and familiarity with the same was scored at the bottom level in the list. Price of the food was another preference for selecting the food item for the students. mean s.d. Spending on foods 45.36 205.39 Table 2: Spending on fast foods items expenditure wise rank factors Importance Alcohol 4.48 Price 3.87 Travel 4.77 Taste 4.88 Rent 5.95 Speed 3.13 Fast food 3.89 Familiarity 3.03 General food 5.69 Location 3.48 Clothes 4.09 F16s me up 2.61 Cigarettes 3.09 Table 3: Expenses and important wise expenditure rank Health issues: Descriptive Statistics N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation Can you tell me about how interested you are in eating healthily 111 1 5 3.41 .977 Do you know what a calorie is 112 1 3 1.57 .887 Are calories unhealthy 110 1 4 2.95 1.039 How many calories are recommend for you per day 108 0 4000 1882.87 657.955 Do you calorie count 111 1 3 2.30 .566 Where do you receive information about the nutritional / health qualities of fast food 199 1 7 4.66 1.587 Do you read the nutritional information in fast food outlets 112 1 3 1.98 .910 Does it influence your food choice 112 1 3 2.06 .701 About weight 112 1 3 1.64 .517 Valid N (list wise) 108 Table 4: Description of health issues in fast food consumption The majority of the students tried to consume the healthy foods and some of them were too conscious to consume the healthy foods always. Only handful of the people were not interested or specific about their eating habits as they were not health conscious much. However, the low deviation from the participants survey, we could find that much of the students were rich in consuming the healthy foods. Majority of the students were aware of calorie of the food. From their point of view, calorie might be unhealthy for the consumers as well as it might help them to boost up the energy during their work. Thereby, majority of the health conscious people in the survey did not vote calorie as the intent of ill health for them. The majority of the students have voted nearby to 2000 calorie per day for them to enhance their working capacity while the mean of per day consumption of calorie was 1882.87 while the mean value was deviated by 650 calorie. Thereby, the survey result found that maximum s tudents used to consume 1200 to 2500 calorie per day [including men and women] except for some different cases. However, majority of the students did not count their calorie consumption on per day basis. The students gained the information on nutrition level of the food consumption through media and internet. However, they did not bother about the information provided with the fast food outlet about the nutrition level of some of the specific foods. They had also depicted that information in the outlets did not influence their selection of fast food at all. The weight of the students was found to be alright as they felt themselves fit with their food habit. Inferential analysis: Correlations Can you tell me about how interested you are in eating healthily Are calories unhealthy How many calories are recommend for you per day Do you calorie count Does it influence your food choice About weight Pearson Correlation Can you tell me about how interested you are in eating healthily 1.000 .859 -.007 .767 .780 .752 Are calories unhealthy .859 1.000 -.011 .790 .733 .806 How many calories are recommend for you per day -.007 -.011 1.000 .047 -.039 .028 Do you calorie count .767 .790 .047 1.000 .777 .601 Does it influence your food choice .780 .733 -.039 .777 1.000 .696 About weight .752 .806 .028 .601 .696 1.000 Sig. (1-tailed) Can you tell me about how interested you are in eating healthily . .000 .472 .000 .000 .000 Are calories unhealthy .000 . .456 .000 .000 .000 How many calories are recommend for you per day .472 .456 . .314 .344 .385 Do you calorie count .000 .000 .314 . .000 .000 Does it influence your food choice .000 .000 .344 .000 . .000 About weight .000 .000 .385 .000 .000 . N Can you tell me about how interested you are in eating healthily 108 108 108 108 108 108 Are calories unhealthy 108 108 108 108 108 108 How many calories are recommend for you per day 108 108 108 108 108 108 Do you calorie count 108 108 108 108 108 108 Does it influence your food choice 108 108 108 108 108 108 About weight 108 108 108 108 108 108 Table 5: Correlation of Health consciousness among the students The students, participated in the survey, were highly calorie conscious as the correlation between the same was .859. Further, calorie counting of the students found to be highly correlated with the healthy eating habit. The healthy eating habit was highly correlated with weight of the students as well as with the influence of selecting the food items. However, the recommended calories for their daily consumption was negatively correlated with the major items of the health consciousness of the students. Influence of food choice for the students had medium correlation with their weight as seen in the correlation matrix. Regression analysis Model Summaryb Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate Durbin-Watson 1 .890a .792 .782 .445 .247 a. Predictors: (Constant), About weight, How many calories are recommend for you per day, Do you calorie count, Does it influence your food choice, Are calories unhealthy b. Dependent Variable: Can you tell me about how interested you are in eating healthily Table 6: Regression summary ANOVAa Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. 1 Regression 76.982 5 15.396 77.730 .000b Residual 20.204 102 .198 Total 97.185 107 a. Dependent Variable: Can you tell me about how interested you are in eating healthily b. Predictors: (Constant), About weight, How many calories are recommend for you per day, Do you calorie count, Does it influence your food choice, Are calories unhealthy Table 7: ANOVA analysis of healthy food habit From the table 6, we could see that the predictability of the model was high as the value of R2 was .792 could predict the 80% of the health issues regarding the fast food consumption. The F ratio value was achieved from the table 7: ANOVA analysis, where we could see the significance of testing of the model. The value of the Durbin Watson test yielded positive correlation between the residuals as it was nearby to the 0. The regression points had higher mean square value than that of the residuals indicating the strong prediction from the used model in this case. Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig. 95.0% Confidence Interval for B B Std. Error Beta Lower Bound Upper Bound 1 (Constant) .552 .230 2.404 .018 .097 1.008 Are calories unhealthy .457 .092 .499 4.960 .000 .275 .640 How many calories are recommend for you per day -8.320E-008 .000 .000 -.001 .999 .000 .000 Do you calorie count .193 .149 .114 1.299 .197 -.102 .489 Does it influence your food choice .349 .112 .253 3.108 .002 .126 .572 About weight .206 .160 .106 1.281 .203 -.113 .524 Table 8: Coefficients of regression The t value of the analysis was found to be significant for coefficient of the regression. The usage of calorie per day was found insignificant for the model as it did not show any significant value in this case. However, the query of ill health due to calories in the fast food was considered to be the highest influential factor for the health issues. The prediction equation through regression test might be as followed: Y (Health issues) = .552 + .457 * calorie + .193 * counting calorie + .349 * influence on food choice + .206 * about weight The equation was built out of calorie recommendation due to its insignificant approach towards the health issues of the students. Figure 4: Residual diagram Conclusion The previous chapter of analysis provided the information regarding the fast food consumption by the students as well as the health issues due to consuming the fast foods. The attitude of the students was found not consuming fast foods on daily basis. They maintained a certain level of restriction in consuming the fast foods in their daily routine. Additionally, the students had reduced their fast food consumption habit much in the last five years. The health issue of the students for consuming the fast foods maintaining the calorific values was found to be not maintained much among them. Their food habits did not reflect the calorific value of consumption while predicting the healthy consumption of fast foods. Linking with the objectives: Linking with objective 1: To analyse current data on the health implications of fast food The analysis of current data of on fast food for understanding the health issues among the students was being made using the surveyed data. The primary data was used in this case to get the current information regarding the attitude of the students and their sentiment towards the fast food. Linking to objective 2: To critically analyse marketing campaigns the fast food industry use to target students The marketing campaigns of the food companies were failed to attract the students towards the fast foods as the negative impact of those types of foods were too much. The spending on fast foods was low enough from the point of view of spending on other issues of daily life. Additionally, the companies tried to target the students to sell more to generate more revenue; however, it was empirically proved that the companies were not able to lure them much about their products in the due course of recent days. Linking to objective 3: To analysis current student knowledge of the fast food industry and its impact upon health The knowledge of the students about the fast food and its impact on the health was at the satisfactory level. They used to gather information from the media and internet regarding the fast food industry and its impact on the health. Additionally, they had the idea of calorific value of the fast food that helped them to adjust their calorific requirement on daily basis. The students gathered the information from the current sources from the internet as well as from the current articles. This system had made them aware of the current development in the nutrition level of the fast foods. The impact of the fast foods on their health was also retrieved from the market by them and they follow the strict discipline accordingly. Linking to objective 4: To explore a link between the fast food industry with obesity and diabetes rates The health issues related to the fast foods consumption were found to be under controlled as the students were much aware of the side effect of the fast foods. The negative impact of the fast foods was high as stated in the current study. Thereby, the students used to consume lesser fast foods and their expenditure on the same was low too. the rate of the diabetes and obesity due to fast food was not found among the students as they did not affected much from these types of diseases due to their young age. Recommendations It was recommended to the firms to enhance the food value as well as the calorific value of the fast foods for attracting the students as they were well aware of these information. The firms might attract the students in this way. Further, they must reduce the side effect of the fast foods. Thereby, they must employ steady research on providing the students fast foods sourced from the organic elements. In viewpoint of students knowledge regarding the fast food and its impact on the health, the recommendation was to guide the students from communal service as well as from the students. They must took part in the seminars on the fast foods and its impact on the human body to grow their knowledge. The fast food had the link with the obesity and diabetes as discussed and hyped issues in the health sector of the world. However, the students did not feel that much as they were very young in age. Therefore, it was recommended to them to change their perception of consuming fast foods after drinking alcohol. They must change their perception of the fast foods as the organic sources might not harmful due to having different style of production and genre.
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