Saturday, December 28, 2019

Why The Trade Show Is Kuwait International Fair As A First...

Introduction As a Director of Marketing and Research in Rona Faucets Company, I recommend to do the trade show in Kuwait International Fair as a first step to move into the international business. Our company products such as Bathroom and Kitchen faucets will be displayed in The Big 5 Kuwait 2015 trade show. This report illustrates the rationale for selecting Kuwait as the trade show location for the Rona Faucets Company and in addition, it briefly explains about the execution strategy, budget, and advertising and promotion methods in the Kuwait trade show. The Big 5 Kuwait The Big 5 Kuwait is the largest and best attended building and construction event in Kuwait. By exhibiting in this trade show, our company has a chance of tapping into†¦show more content†¦Our company will have an added edge if we make the right move now and it will help us to capture the wealthy market. This new show runs alongside The Big 5 and will focus on interior fit-out products. That means it will cover everything from bathrooms and kitchens, to the individual products and materials that are necessary to create original interior designs and fit outs. The other reasons for choosing The Big 5 Kuwait International Fair is that, the country has a large, modern, exhibition facility readymade to host exhibitions of all sizes, as well as present conference events. Kuwait s economy too has a significant influence. The country has the highest budget surplus as a percentage of GDP of any Gulf state - at 25 percent - and this budget is earmarked for spending on housing, infrastructure and healthcare. This creates huge opportunities for exhibitions and conferences that address these subjects (Mellor, 2015). But our experience is telling us there is a huge demand and enthusiasm from local businesses. Business leaders at all levels in

Friday, December 20, 2019

A Comparison of the Dream Deferred in A Raisin in the Sun...

A Dream Deferred in A Raisin in the Sun and Harlem In Lorraine Hansberrys play A Raisin in the Sun, the author reveals a hard-working, honest African-American family struggling to make their dreams come true. Langston Hughes poem, Harlem, illustrates what could happen if those dreams never came to fruition. Together, both Hansberry and Hughes show the effects on human beings when a long-awaited dream is thwarted by economic and social hardships. Each of the characters in A Raisin in the Sun has a dream for which they base their whole happiness and livelihood on attaining. However, the character of Lena Younger, or Mama, differs from the other members of her family. Time after time, Mama postpones her dream of owning a†¦show more content†¦Mama concerns herself only with the fact that she and her family will own the house, and not have to dwell in the tired, old apartment on Chicagos Southside. In a sense, Mamas dream has crust[ed] and sugar[ed] over like a sugary sweet (Hughes Lines 7-8). Her dream has changed to fit the circumstances she must cope with. The character of Mama represents those who do not shrivel up and die just because their dream does. Walter Lee Younger, Lenas son, is second only to Lena in arousing sympathy and pathos from the audience. The entire play shows the development of Walters quest for manhood. Similar to Lena, Walters dream of owning a liquor store becomes hindered by his economic station, or lack of money, and his social position. In the opening scenes of A Raisin in the Sun, Walter does not occupy the position of head of the household. This secondary position to Mama demonstrates his frustration with his limiting environment. Even Walters job show subservience and inequality as a chauffeur to wealthy white people. Elizabeth Phillips comments, Consquently, he[Walter] is forever on the lookout for a means of making more money, not only to enable him to give luxuries as well as necessities, but also to satisfy the deep inner need of every man to prove that he is capable of great achievement (54). Walters great achievement appears as a failure at first before revealing the man that he has become. The destructionShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Poem Harlem 1303 Words   |  6 Pagesthe 1930s - 1960s. He is often credited as the leader of the Harlem Renaissance, and â€Å"famously wrote about the period that ‘the negro was in vogue.’† (Langston). Throughout his body of work, Hughes spoke eloquently to the full spectrum of dreams - both their inspirational power and their heavy burden, if not fully realized. His famed poem, â€Å"Harlem (Dream Deferred)† uses heavy symbolism, falling into three definitive categories: 1. Dreams; 2. Food and Domestic Life and 3. Violence and Oppression(Shmoop)Read MoreLiterary Analysis of Langston Hughess A Dream Deferred1028 Words   |  4 Pagesand A Dream Deferred, is no exception. In Langston Hughess poem, A Dream Deferred, the theme is that no really knows to dreams if they are not reached, and very realistic figures of speech help convey this idea; the poem can be surprisingly related to Mr. Hughess life through the subtitle and quotes from Langston himself. The meaning of, A Dream Deferred, is that no one really knows what happens to dreams that are not fulfilled. The poem starts with the line, What happens to a dream deferredRead More Power of Langston Hughes Harlem (A Dream Deferred) Essay674 Words   |  3 PagesPower of Langston Hughes Harlem (A Dream Deferred) In our journey through life, we all have certain expectations of how we would like our lives to be. All of us strive to reach a certain level of self-actulization and acceptance. It could thus be said that all of us live a dream. Some of these individual dreams inevitably become the collective dream of many people. In Harlem (A Dream Deferred), Langston Hughes makes use of symbolism as well as powerful sensory imagery to show us the emotionsRead MoreMontage Of A Dream Deferred By Langston Hughes946 Words   |  4 Pages Many of the poems within â€Å"Montage of a Dream Deferred† by Langston Hughes contain great meaning as well as emotion embedded within them. Whether they are 3 lines or 20 lines long, vivid images and explanations follow. The main focus of the series of poems are centralized on African Americans living in Harlem in the 20’s and on and their opposition from the rest. The motif in nearly all poems express discrimination, daily activities, and African American’s struggle for equality. Out of all poemsRead MoreLangston HughesHarlem And The Figurative Lynching Of Dreams1142 Words   |  5 Pagesâ€Å"Harlem† and the Figurative Lynching of Dreams During the years preceding the publication of â€Å"Harlem†, Langston Hughes was subject to an increasing censorship of his work and serious accusations of treason by the U.S government (J. Miller 79). Throughout his entire career as an author and activist, he wrote extensively on racial injustices experienced by his fellow African Americans in the early twentieth century. Though support for racial equality was growing at the time, his criticisms of AmericanRead MoreA Dream Deferred - a Literary Comparison1878 Words   |  8 PagesThe Dream Deferred – A Comparison Kristy Andrews Axia College of University of Phoenix In Lorraine Hansberrys play A Raisin in the Sun, the author reveals a hard-working, honest African-American family struggling to make their dreams come true. Langston Hughes poem, Harlem, illustrates what could happen if those dreams never came to fruition. Together, both Hansberry and Hughes show the effects on human beings when a long-awaited dream is thwarted by economic and social hardships. Each ofRead MoreAnalysis Of A Raisin In The Sun1185 Words   |  5 PagesProfessor Quinn Final Essay The epigraph to A Raisin in the Sun is Langston Hughes poem called A Dream Deferred which was written as an example of life in harlem. The lines are a introduction to the white societys actions to take away equal opportunity from black citizens. Hughes main point is that there could be consequences when peoples frustrations build up or accumulate to the point where they have to either surrender their dreams or allow strenuous circumstances to literally devourRead More The Effects of Oppression in Hansberrys A Raisin in the Sun1188 Words   |  5 PagesThe Effects of Oppression in Hansberrys A Raisin in the Sun Lorraine Hansberrys A Raisin in the Sun is a modern tragedy in which the protagonist, Walter Lee Younger, is unable to find the fulfilling life he wants so badly. A contrasting view of the quest for that fulfilling life is offered in the character of Beneatha (whose name seems a play on her socioeconomic status, i.e. she-who-is-beneath), who serves as a foil against which the character of Walter is defined. Both Walter and BeneathaRead MoreLorraine Hansberry s A Raisin975 Words   |  4 Pagesleading up to it. African Americans see it all the time in televisions, magazines and newspaper ads. As poor blacks invest their life’s work in trying and subsequently failing to achieve this imaginary dream, they end up devouring any sense propriety remaining in their life; the play A Raisin in The Sun by Lorraine Hansberry exemplifies this tragedy. In the play Lena Younger and her family was rewarded ten thousand dollars of life insurance money, which is a lot of money for a family of their socioeconomicRead MoreAnalysis Of The Poem Dream By Langston Hughes1909 Words   |  8 Pagesunique way as well. The two pomes are about dreams, the first poem, Dream is about what could possibly happen if we let go of our dreams and don t purse them. The second poem, Harlem is about the possibilities of what could happen when we postpone our dreams. Both poems do not exactly end with a happy ending, for they show the regret that we will be left with, possibly even death. The poem Dream by Langston Hughes is about following your dreams, because we never know what our near future

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Effect of Temperature and Stimuli on Simple Muscle Twitch free essay sample

Muscle activity is not always a smooth ride as it can be affected by its surrounding. Muscle tissues have its plasticity nature, in which case it has to adapt to its surrounding environment and activity that it carries out daily. Different environmental temperature and work intensity can influence the nature or physique of a muscle tissue. In this Laboratory activity, the gastrocnemius muscle tissue of a toad was observed under different temperature and influence of different stimulus. The Contration phase, relaxation phase and peak of contraction of all stimuli will be compared and contrasted. Material and Methods: As per the lab handout Results: Discussion of results- In a simple muscle curve (such as fig1) there are five points that indicate the changes of different phase. Point A is the point of stimulation. Point B is the beginning of contraction. Point C’ is the amplitude of muscle contraction. Point C is the relaxation of the muscle. Point D is the end of muscle contraction and relaxation. There are 3 different phases observed between these points in this simple muscle curve. From Point A-B is the Latent period. Point B-C is the Contraction period. Point C-D is the relaxation period. While point C’ shows the strength of muscle contraction. With the test of different temperature (as in fig 2,3 and 4) it is observed that as the temperature increases from 10oC to 35oC,the latent period, the contraction period and relaxation period decreases, while the height of the contraction increases. The Decrease in latent, contraction and relaxation period decrease due to increased rate for muscle activity. The height of the contraction period increase due to increase of muscle strength. At the temperature of 10oC the muscle contraction phase and relaxation phase is longer than the normal room temperature. Due to this most athletes have ice bath as part of their recovery program after extensive exercise. This allows their muscle to cool and be more relaxed. For the effect of excessive temperature, the muscle was exposed to rigor salt solution of 1000C. It could be depicted form the result (such as fig 5) that the contraction period was quite short due to increase in energy for muscle activity, and the muscle did not go through the relaxation period as the protein must have been denature resulting in a dead muscle tissue. In Figure 6 the stimulation of a muscle twitch is observed. In this case there are two consecutive twitches. It is observed that the curve resulting from the first twitch is shorter than that of the second twitch. In such case the second twitch benefit from the energy from the first twitch. This could be compared to a marathon athlete’ muscles, when the muscle is already psyched for a long distance event. During the first few rounds of the run the muscle will be psyched and will increase in momentum till the last round. The curve of muscle contraction of Genesis of Tetanus shown in Figure 7, reveals that the starting point of muscle stimulation is till the time taken to reach the maximum peak of muscle contraction is very short. The contraction and relaxation of the muscle is occurring at a constant rapid rate, where the muscle does not fully relax at the end of each cycle. Toward the end of the activity the peak of muscle contraction is shorter due to muscle fatigue. In such case it can be compared to an athlete participating on a vigorous exercise or running on a track event. 5) Identify 2 research rticles on skeletal muscle contraction and incorporated the important findings to your results. Ohta,Y(et al 2010) studied the summation effect of contraction of human skeletal muscle. They noticed that the difference in the amplitude of a single pulse and two pulse train. Their results suggest that the acceleration peak is inversely proportional to the time taken to which acceleration peak is achieved. According to the experiment carried out, this was true to the fact that the second wave or curve in a double stimulation is always greater than that of the first one. The second peak has a beneficial effect from the first peak. Secondly if the time taken for the acceleration to reach its highest peak is small, the acceleration peak will be high. Barbra C ( et al 2008) studied the effect of Temperature on cross-bridge properties in intact frog muscle fibers. Their main observation was to correlate the relationship of the properties of frog muscle fibers contraction with increasing temperature. In comparison to the lab experiment the relationship showed that as temperature increases, the muscle contraction peak increases while the contraction and relaxation period decreases. Conclusion: On the completion of this lab activity I was able to relate the effect of temperature on muscle activity. As an athlete I am able to understand how I benefit from regular exercise and being able to grasp the concept to the important of ice bath after some period of time of extensive exercise and training. As temperature increases, muscle contraction is faster and stronger. Regular exercise can contribute to the flexibility of the muscle tissue and gain in momentum of muscle contraction. References: * Ohta. Y, Shima. N, Yabe. K. (2010). The effect of Summation of Contraction on Acceleration Signal in Human Skeletal Muscle. Department of Sport Sciences, Japan Institute of Sports Science,3-15-1 * Colombinim. B, Nocella. M, Benelli. G, Giovanni. C,and Bagni. M. A. (2008). Effect of temperature on cross-bridge properties in intact frog muscle fibers. Departimento di Scienze Fisiologiche and Istituto Interuniversitario di Miologia. Unicersita degli Studi di Firenzem Firenze, It aly.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

News Channel Turned to Entertainment Channels free essay sample

The news channels after dominating the Indian television screens for long are losing ground. There is growing disenchantment with the kind of content that is being telecast, and more and more viewers are switching to general entertainment channels (GEC), especially Hindi GECs. Interestingly, Doordarshan News, which is a state broadcaster, is not slipping. It continues to hold on to its number 4 position. PriceWaterhouse Coopers in its study titled Indian Entertainment and Media Outlook 2010 attributes this to the â€Å"cleaner content† of Doordarshan News and its reach in areas where Cable and Satellite TV can’t reach. The PwC analysts in their study give two reasons why news channels are losing out to GECs. The reasons are: 1. Weaker content: The news channels offer content that is not as compelling as the programmes telecast on General Entertainment Channels. There is also no improvement in news content. According to the report: â€Å"Though GECs are improving their content, news still adheres to the same format leading to boredom among its viewers. We will write a custom essay sample on News Channel Turned to Entertainment Channels or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Hence, the surfing period for news has shortened. 2. Masala news: The news channels focus less on â€Å"classical† news such as political news, elections etc. The focus is more on â€Å"masala† news. This is a very valid point, and many television viewers have been complaining of the frivolous reports that now populate Indian news bulletins. One hopes that the news channels will give due respect to the report’s findings, and rework their content mix. News is serious business, and should not be turned into a spectacle.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

The Importance And Significance Of Self Awareness Social Work Essay Essay Example

The Importance And Significance Of Self Awareness Social Work Essay Paper Self consciousness, harmonizing to Wong ( 2003 ) , means acknowledgment of our personality, strengths and failings and likes and disfavors. As a societal worker, ego consciousness is an indispensable component to fix oneself to meet the clients personal affair, their attitudes, ideas, etc. The essay is traveling to discourse the importance and significance of ego consciousness. Then speak about what I have learnt about myself, in footings of my personalities, attitudes, strengths, restrictions and how my past experiences affect me. Finally correlate how self consciousness can assist my professional development as a societal worker. Harmonizing to Rothman ( 1999 ) , everyone has its ain attitudes or point of views towards something. Our ideas and values are shaped during the clip of babyhood, childhood, adolescence and maturity. These thought may be based on our ain experiences, instruction received or society influences. It is clear that our past experiences, societal norms, values from the others, features, biass or stereotypes form We will write a custom essay sample on The Importance And Significance Of Self Awareness Social Work Essay specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Importance And Significance Of Self Awareness Social Work Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Importance And Significance Of Self Awareness Social Work Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Knowing how my past experiences influence my ain values helps me to be more cognizant of my ain ego. Having an uncle who committed self-destruction that made my household, particularly my grandma, sad and suffering, I personally hate people who have the purpose to stop up their lives. However, this hate may do me unable to do the most appropriate determination when a client who has the will to perpetrate suicide seeks aid from me. Furthermore, as suggested by Biestek ( 1961 ) , the relationship between the societal worker and the client has been called the psyche of casework. It may be difficult for me to develop appropriate relationship with the client. It is possible that I will hold uncontrolled emotional engagement and judgmental attitudes towards the client. Without self consciousness and cognizing what experiences form my ideas, I will see trouble in supplying sensitive and adept services to the clients. I may besides unwittingly reject the client and avoid speaking excessively much about decease unconsciously. However, by cognizing what experiences are impacting my values and ideas, Rothman ( 1999 ) suggested that it assists the worker to work with clients, and to command and minimise the influences of personal attitudes and beliefs that may be harmful and damaging toward clients. Biass, prejudices and stereotypes may be great barriers on my professional development. It is common that when come to minorities such as cocottes, homophiles or the street slumberers, people may see their behaviours as unethical. It may due to their personal values, cultural, spiritual and other beliefs which people take for granted to follow when confronting these issues. I besides have biass and stereotypes on them and they may be expressed in conversations, acts or behaviors since they are hidden in the subconscious as suggested by Rothman ( 1999 ) . I may unwittingly hold words that harm them and do them defensive or non swear in me. Therefore doing it difficult to develop good relationship with the client and difficult to hold intercession procedures. For illustration, I have been exposed to a strong heterosexual prejudice and may integrate some homophobic reactions such as uncomfortableness or hatred of homosexual people. Without self-awareness and cognition, I may non be able to supply adept services to gay or sapphic clients. If a worker has spiritual belief, he or she may even hold a strong belief that homosexualism is a wickedness. Harmonizing to Sheafor and Morales ( 2007 ) , one of the competencies required for societal work pattern is the capacity to prosecute in ethnic- , gender- and age-sensitive pattern. In order to accomplish this, it is indispensable for a worker to happen ways and methods to divide their personal belief system from their professional values, moralss and functions. Knowing my strengths and failings besides helps me with my professional development. I am glad and patient to listen to others. At the same clip, I am besides empathic to others experiences and troubles. It makes the clients experience being respected and therefore it is easier to develop a proper client-worker relationship. It is of extreme importance that the client trust you Reflecting on our ain experiences and developmental phases helps when working with clients. For illustration, I was diffident and non willing to show my attention towards others in my childhood. And I would hold no chance to demo my love to my grandma who died old ages ago. The losingss in my life do me re-think the manner I used to be and endeavor for a alteration, that is, be more outgoing and caring to others. I can therefore pull on my personal experience when working with immature people and steer them in the changing procedure. However, it besides makes me see my restrictions, that is, when working with aged clients. I can associate my experience that is similar to a adolescent s, nevertheless, it is impossible for me to hold certain troubles faced by aged clients such as the aging procedure. As suggested by Berman-Rossi ( 2001 ) , a societal worker therefore must develop aging relevant cognition, self awareness, sensitiveness and accomplishment. Knowledge about aging demograph ics, age-related alterations and developmental undertakings is indispensable. Although there are restrictions to my service provided, there are ways to minimise the insufficiency. Increased openness to other ways of thought My household is a blissful one, sometimes holding some struggles but still harmonious on the whole. I one time thought that it is normal to hold the sort of household like mine, and at least most of the households are likewise. However, it is incorrect as there are diversenesss in household construction. Some households are single-parented, while some may hold immense communicating jobs among household members or holding household members that are drug nuts that greatly affects the household. Sharing ain feelings and ideas among a group of equals helps to do up one s ain point of view towards the population. By listening and sharing, one can cognize more about the equals attitudes on the issue, to analyze their ain attitudes and to interchange sentiments in an overview. One can besides hold a broader position on an issue and Social workers must face their ain biass and stereotypes about minorities. Making myself known about losingss in my ain life helps me to understand what past experiences or feelings are impacting my ain values and ideas today.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Legalization of Drugs essays

Legalization of Drugs essays "There is much hysteria about drugs and drug use in this country and much misinformation. It is time we got rid of both, put drugs and drug abuse in their proper perspective and go on with our lives." Richard Lawrence Miller, The case for Legalizing Drugs. I couldn't agree more with historian and author Richard Lawrence. However, in order for us, citizens, to understand our nations drug war, in particular legalization of marijuana, we need to understand the facts known by researchers yet ignored by our government. "The first modern marijuana experiments" performed by Andrew Weil proved that marijuana users "psychological" reactions are created entirely by set and setting rather than by pharmacological action. In other words, depending where the user is at is how he'll react; the drug itself has nothing to do with how the user reacts to it. Basically, the user will full sensations, but wont know how to use them. Therefore, it they will mimic or act like someone else taking the drug at the time! Furthermore, marijuana users across our country use it for many purposes-to relax, concentrate, stimulate, inspire-basically producing whatever affects the user wants at the time. Furthermore, if the user, not the drug, wants to produce "violent stimulation" those user "wanting such effects may feel them"; which may explain "redefer madness" in the 1930s. Hey, 30 years later users wanted it for relaxing and mellowness purposes and they got it! So you can clearly see anyone who blames psychological and violent threats on marijuana are absolutely wrong; blame the person note the drug! Also, marijuana's safety can be measured by its "therapeutic ratio", "the difference between the size of dose needed for the desired effect and the size that produces poisoning." And you know guys; marijuana is so safe that the therapeutic ration hasn't even been found, although "it has been estimated in the 1,0 ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Rise of E-Business in the Music Industry (I like this topic Term Paper

The Rise of E-Business in the Music Industry (I like this topic because Im a Musician) - Term Paper Example Management information systems store and organize data such that useful analysis can be done on it for the betterment of the respective e-business company. 1. Introduction The advent of computers has caused an effect on almost every walk of life. The technological advancement has created many opportunities in numerous fields, ranging from medicine to education, travel to business. The field of business has seen revolutionary changes that have made it more structured and accessible. The invention of e-commerce or e-business has given the organizations an excellent opportunity to access millions of consumers on the web., (2010) explained that e-business can be defined as the conduct of business by means of the incorporation of technology; it also refers to the buying or selling of products and services on the internet. E-business has made its place in a diverse range of areas for example, book stores, hotel booking, airline tickets, movies and music etc. E-business has no t only provided convenience to the consumer but it has also generated new avenues for the organizations to earn profits since it tends to reach a greater market segment than the conventional mode of business. 2. Overview The 20th century witnessed the evolution of different types of formats of music. The long playing (LP) record albums were famous and adapted by people for many years. A gramophone was needed to play the records. Then, the music lovers saw the advent of cassettes that could be played in comparatively smaller players. The size of the cassettes was smaller than the records therefore it was considered to be more manageable by the people. Cassettes became the main source of revenue for the music companies between the 1970s and 1990s. Later in 1990s, the invention of compact discs (CDs) improved the quality of music and became a new source of income for the music companies. The quality of sound improved with the invention of the CD therefore that technology started gainin g more fame than cassettes. The advent of the 21st century brought an unexpected change for the music business. It was a new music format that did not depend on any physical device like a cassette or CD- MP3. MP3 format could be saved in any computing device thereby changing conventional form of music to digital music. 3. Negative side of Digital Music The concept of digital music took a negative turn in 1999 when a young man named Shawn Fanning created the platform of ‘Napster’. According to Greenfeld, Taylor and Thigpen (2000); Napster was a file sharing platform that allowed the users to share files amongst each other on the internet. Instant messaging and search options were some of the features that allowed the users to find their desired music on the web. This platform gave the users an opportunity to listen to music without any expense. It is due to this reason that Napster became very famous and starting harming the music companies to a great extent. It was a ce ntralized platform which became the reason for its downfall. Olsen (2003) provided the information that Universal Music Group and EMI filed a suit against Napster for the illegal downloads that were allowed under the respective technology. The website was shutdown in the early years of the 21st century and stopped piracy of digital music. This was a big step for the music label companies as they were able to put a stop to a huge